Azure Monitoring & Operations hackathon

A request that I get many times is to provide guidance and best-practices on how to implement monitoring and operations management with and/or for Azure. Most organizations have subtle differences which makes it hard to put out a generic concept of how to enable this. There are high-level ideas but in my discussions with customers and partners I’m hearing that this is not detailed enough.

There are a good resources though if you want to get started. Microsoft CSA Robert Kuehfus has created an excellent multi-day hackathon which covers many aspects of the process. Then there are the Microsoft Cloud Workshops of which one covers Azure Security & Management.

Due to popular demand I have decided to create a hackathon on my own putting emphasis on data sources and how to connect them to a coherent picture. Feel free to use the resources for your own deliveries. If you find something to improve, put in a pull request and I’d be happy to incorporate it.

I’ve published this on my GitHub.